09 March 2017

Club penguin

>be me
>playing club penguin trying to hook up with bitches 
>my mum comes in and says that after I lost her her job I should get a part time job
>I tell her to fuck off 
>she sighs 
>"I-i-t's okay, Anon. It's not your fault you're special." 
>Stupid bitch. Why does everyone need to tell me that? 
>Ffwd 1 month later 
>now she just wears really red lipstick, fishnets and short skirt and goes upstairs every night with a male friend to play 'games' with a locked door.
>lying bitch, how can we still be poor and she can still play around? 
>sometimes I hear beating and her crying.
>note to self: buy noise-cancellation headphones with GBP. 
>my tummy is hungry 
>I go upstairs and knock on the door 
>no answer
>I put my ear against the door 
>hear them exercising 
>faggots must have put in earpiece and listening to music 
>no one fucks with my tendies 
>go to backyard 
>climb up tree outside mummy's window 
>am big-boned but tendies motivate me 
>see their silhouette behind curtain 
>he's helping her do sit ups 
>I am Enzio Auditore
>swing like pendulum and crash through window 
>I roll gracefully and crash into mummy's drawer
>don't know why they're not wearing clothes, it's not that hot
>her friend is spilling mayonnaise on her face 
>her male friend goes wtf 
>he storms out and says he'll never "spend money on a stupid whore again"
>mummy just sits there and cries 
>I bang on my chest and scream "I WANT TENDIES" 

Tfw when she left cooked tendies on the dining table before all that.