07 February 2016

Lord and Savior Donald Trump

>be me
>2nd semester high school senior
>taking US History course
>discussing monopolies and how they are illegal along with modern politics
>discussion leads to Donald Trump
>feminist bitch in the front shares her opinion of Trump
>"i couldnt live with myself or be disgraced with having him as president"
>temporarily forget I'm surrounded by normies
>autism.exe is now running
>"whats wrong with our Lord and Savior Donald Trump?"
>entire class stares at me
>teacher tells me how that statement alone makes him want to quit teaching 
>spaghetti falls out of my pocket
>teacher tries to continue teaching
>next slide
>is pic related
>starts talking about Carnegie and standard oil monopoly
>autism still going strong
>want to redeem myself
>"well you know, you can't stump the Trump"
>angry glares
>teacher literally walks out
>everyone is silent
>he doesnt come back
>15 minutes later class ends
>glares at me as everyone leaves
>finish the day
>mfw whatever pitiful social life I did have just got crushed by my autism