>be today
>wake up next to gf
>she's still chubby
>wasn't like this when I met her
>told her that she needs to lose weight
>it's been four months
>i need to put my foot down and today's the day
>figure the best way to do it is after breakfast
>breakfast ain't gonna make itself
>she gets up, goes to kitchen
>browse /g/ waiting for breakfast
>she looks at me suspecting something
>during breakfast she keeps looking at me like she knows something bad is about to happen
>'Is everything alright, anon? You're quiet'
>plans weekend internally
>'yeah, fine'
>'okay well we can go to the gym after i get off work, if you want'
>not sure what to say
>is she on to me?
>her fatty sense is tingling
>it's too late now bitch
>its time to go be fat somewhere else
>tell her im busy
>she asks what "we're" doing
>look at her and feel bad for a second
>she takes the last pancake
>doesn't even ask if i want it
>feeling immediately passes
>tell her she's fat and it's over
>cries loudly, panicking asking me why
>look at the half-eaten pancake on her plate
>bitch didn't even finish it
>mfw im single and have to make my own pancakes now
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