>be me
>be 10
>go trick or treating
>first 10 houses more or less tell me to fuck off
>i can understand why
>they had no food either
>(poorfag neighborhood)
>i wasnt even in a costume
>eventually get to next house
>excitedly say trick or treat
>dapper looking gent answers the door
>hello young man, here you must want this
>gives me shitload of candy
>thank you sir
>dont worry about it my boy, and here have some extra for having such good manners
>gives me even more candy
>wow thanks mister
>run home excitedly
what really happened:
>barely mustered anything out over my disappointment and annoyance thus far
>middle aged dude covered in tattoos wearing wife beater and jeans answers door
>its halloween, do you got any fuckin food or whatever?
>aren't you supposed to be dressed up or some shit?
>im so poor i have to beg for food do you think i have enough money for a fuckin costume?
>watch the attitude kid
>fuuuuuuck yooouuuuuuu
>(I was a total asswipe as a kid)
>his facial expression changes
>its the expression people have when they've had enough of my shit
>the expression they have right befor they beat the shit out of me
>he starts laughing
>most people walk away as soon as they see me but you dont give a shit do you? hahaa
>you remind me of me at your age
>walks inside
>comes back out
>here, its the first thing i found
>gives me a can of spaghetti
>i leave
he was a pretty cool guy, i buy weed from him now.
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