>Be me
>Be 16, around 2000
>Wasn’t an outcast but wasn’t a popular kid either
>Kinda did my own thing really
>Shared World History with this kid
>His name was Greg
>And this was his fall from grace and into autism
>Greg at this point was quiet, and reserved, never did anything to get bullied
>Especially after Columbine
>All that was going to change soon
>Friday he was totally fine
>That Monday
>Apparently Greg’s parents had bought him a computer, and an Internet connection
>Oh, how two days can change a man
>He obviously hadn’t showered at all since friday
>He didn’t really pay attention during class and was mostly drawing in his notebook
>His smell was palpable
>The bell finally rang
>Greg collected his things and headed for the door
>Not before he bumped into a guy named Mike
>Mike was not pleased with Greg’s odor
>”Jesus Greg, you fucking reek.”
>Greg stood silent for a moment
>And then he did it
>He fucking growled at Mike
>Mike just pushed Greg out of the way and made his way into the hallway and walked to his next class
>The rest of the kids gave Greg a strange room for the rest of the day
>Apparently Greg didn't do his homework the night before
>Instead he bought a gray hoodie, and some cloth
>And sewed some years to the hood
>At least he showered this time
>The teacher was this really nice vegan lady from Oregon
>She was a little pushy with homework but that was it really
>She asked for homework to be passed up front
>Everyone had theirs in
>"Greg? Where's your homework?"
>She approached his desk
>The room was strangely tense, before this Greg was a good student
>She was standing at Greg's desk
>She reached out for a piece of paper she assumed was his homework
>And then he snapped at her
>Not like screaming or yelling, but he tried to bite her
>You could actually hear the clack of his teeth
>The teacher gasped
>Greg just got up and Naruto ran out of the room
>No one had seen such a thing before and we were really taken aback by him trying to bite the teacher, but the way he ran
>The teacher called security
>No one saw Greg for the rest of the day until one of the Stoner kids reported seeing Greg in after school detention
>Apparently he got on a table, curled up into a ball and tried to nap
>The Indian man in charge didn't care enough to bother him
>Greg apparently wanted to make it up to the teacher
>Unfortunately she was a little late because her Ford broke down
>One of the football players brought her to campus on his motorcycle
>She had what was left of a bug on her cheek that she missed
>She walked into class ten minutes after class started
>She apologized for her being late
>Greg walked up to her
>Hood up
>Shitty cloth ears flopping
>She looked at him puzzled
>"Is there something you want to tell me Greg?"
>She was probably hoping for an apology
>Greg grabbed her face
>He had folded notebook paper in his hand
>Pulled her close to his
>And licked her cheek
>And the bug guts too
>The whole class went dead silent
>Greg then tucked the paper into her breast pocket and sat back down
>The teacher, as a testament to her character, pretended that never happened
>The class went on as normal
>She looked shaky and on the verge of tears the entire time while we were talking about the Boxer Rebellion
>When the bell rang again, Greg bolted full Naruto style out of the room
>His hoodie came loose and fell off
>Revealing a really shitty attempt at anime hair
>I didn't see him again for the rest of the day
>After school as I was walking home I saw our US History teacher talking to the school cop
>With her equally vegan and upset boyfriend there too
>We didn't see Greg for two weeks after that.
>Thursday, two weeks after the incident
>Greg was back
>If you think he was bad after a weekend of early 2000s Internet, Greg has been exposed for a full two weeks
>He clearly hadn't showered, at all
>He looked like he slept, ate and shat in the gray eared hoodie
>He reeked
>He also added a very poorly made tail to the back
>By this time we were on World War 1
>The teacher decided to hold class outdoors for once to demonstrate some things
>As soon as we got outside, everyone put themselves up wind of Greg
>The teacher would live to regret having class outside
>Everything was going fine, we were discussing the Battle of Somme in the gentle Arizona winter
>"Greg, what are you doing?"
>All eyes shot to Greg to see what horror we were about to witness
>Greg was digging with one hand in the soft soil
>He didn't answer
>Everyone turned back to our teacher
>And then the digging got more ferocious
>"Greg, please stop digging, the grounds keepers worked really hard to grow that grass!"
>No answer, he kept digging
>The digging intensified
>"Greg, stop it!"
>Still nothing
>Mike stood up and started walking towards Greg to stop him
>By this time Greg had a foot deep hole about square foot wide
>Everyone stopped
>Their faces when
>Greg turned around
>Dropped his pants
>And started to poo
>Oh God the stench
>This is probably the first shit he had in two weeks
>Everyone flipped and got as far away from him as possible
>Greg managed to fill the entire hole up
>He then lifted his pants
>Sniffed it
>And then buried it
>The 9/10 goth girl fainted
>Greg got sent to the office
>And was sent home for the day
>Greg was tolerable that day, nothing happened
>The following Monday
>Greg was late to class
>Like really late
>The poor teacher marked him absent
>Half way through the treaty of Versailles guess who showed up
>Fucking Greg
>And the horror
>We didn't see it at first, or for the next ten minutes
>And then we heard it
>A crunch
>And not the normal granola kind
>Like the wet, gross kind
>The kind that something biting into a bone would make
>The girl in front of Greg turned around
>She flipped her shit
>"Greg what the fuck!"
>Greg had a bird
>A half eaten bird
>He was late because of this
>I was marginally impressed because he managed to catch a bird, kill it, and partially eat it
>I also wanted to throw up
>The teacher approached him and attempted to rescue the poor avian creature from this kid
>Greg wasn't having it
>He actually landed a bite on her
>A bad one
>Mike had enough of this shit
>Before he could react though Greg through his meal at him
>The distraction worked
>Greg attempted to jump over a desk
>He failed and landed face first on the tile
>Luckily he had enough time to get up, spit out some blood and Naruto run out of the room
>Somehow, he wasn't expelled for this
>Our teacher missed two weeks of school because of an infection though.
>About a week into our poor teacher's absence
>The substitute put us in the computer lab to research some shit
>She sat right behind Greg
>Thanks to her fatness and her odor, she was immune to Greg's smell barrier
>Our schedule was fucked that day
>They were having a assembly for 8th graders that would be attending next year
>So we only had our first class that day
>For eight hours
>We broke for lunch, nothing weird happened with Greg, yet.
>When we got back though, shit started happening
>Everyone had the post lunch sleepies
>Half the class was napping at their terminals
>The others were either working or goofing off
>I was helping the 9/10 goth girl work on her Horror novel
>Wasn't too bad except for some grammar errors
>And we were flirting
>Shit was cash
>The substitute fell asleep at some point, leaving Greg free to do as he pleased
>And he was really pleasing himself
>I happened to glance up and catch it
>Poorly drawn, early 2000s furry porn
>Greg was jacking it pretty hard
>He must have just started because no one seems to have noticed yet
>"Hey, Anon. What are you staring a- OH MY GOD."
>The goth girl freaked out
>This in turn drew attention to Greg
>Who happened to start climaxing
>The next five seconds was beautiful
>The screaming woke up the Sub
>Greg panicked mid cum
>Instead of turning off the computer he pushed the monitor off the desk
>He ended up getting cum everywhere
>After this incident he was handed to the tard wranglers
>He was transferred out of regular classes
>But this was not the end of Wolfman Greg
>We went a month without Greg shenanigans
>Everything was peaceful
>I even managed to sleep with the goth girl a couple of times outside of class
>Greg was even allowed to join us occasionally
>He was heavily guarded by a wrangler though
>He didn't speak much, but we nicknamed him "8 Ball"
>8 Ball didn't take Greg's shit, except for letting him growl or whine once in a while
>Near the end of Junior year we thought we had heard the last of Wolfman Greg
>Lunch time
>I was sitting with the Goth Girl, Marian and her gaggle of dark brooding sisters
>Had a good view of the courtyard where the other tables were at
>We were talking about Poe when it happened
>The doors to the tard building burst open
>And there was Greg
>I was horrified
>I watch him sprint out, howling
>8 Ball no where to be seen
>No one really cared or noticed the horror about to happen
>Greg wondered around for a bit before singling out prey
>This poor shy girl named Marissa
>He snuck up behind her
>Oh God
>He pinned her to the table
>And pretended to mount her
>He had his dick out and was rubbing it on the back of her sweater
>Howling like a wolf the whole time
>Everyone went ape shit and scattered
>This had to be the final straw
>This went on for what felt like forever
>Eventually he came up Marissa's back
>8 Ball finally showed up after getting Arby's
>Greg was expelled after this and labeled a sex offender
>Marissa dropped out
>8 Ball lost his job
>That was the end of Wolfman Greg for high school
>Six months ago
>It's been fifteen years since seeing Greg
>He had left my mind entirely
>Driving through my old town to visit my folks
>Then I see it
>Is that?
>No fucking way
>Holy shit
>It's fucking Greg
>On a vintage Vespa
>I am in fucking aw that he's got a sweet scooter and I'm on a second had liter bike
>Nearly rear end a taxi
>He pulls up next to me
>Thankfully he doesn't recognize me
>I can fucking smell him through my helmet
>I nearly puke
>Manage to distance myself from him and get to my parents place
>Dinner is fine, mom's doing great, blah blah
>Decide to meet up with some old friends for a ride
>Step outside
>See that fucking Vespa in the neighbor's drive way
>Is that?
>Ignore it and go cruise
>Come home a few hours later
>Vespa still there
>Please no
>Greg lives next door to my folks now
>After talking to now 3/10 goth girl on Facebook
>Greg's folks died and he inherited a large chunk of change
>Bought the house next to my parents
>Is a complete neet.
>He doesn't do anything but browse the Internet probably and do Wolfman things
>Try to not let this crush my soul and crawl into my old bunk bed to sleep for the night
>As I'm drifting off to the though of making the Goth Girl of yesteryear swallow my cum and calling me her owner I hear it
>It's fucking howling
>God dammit Greg
>My boner is ruined
>It's loud too
>Greg's fucking howling keeps me up until 3am
>I finally fell asleep
>Wake up the next morning
>Go through the day with my folks a shell of my former self
>That night
>It happens again
>The terror is replaced with rage no
>Open my window
>This is it
>"Greg! It's 11 o'clock at night! I have to go home tomorrow and I need sleep! SHUT THE FUCK UP"
>Slam window
>It's quiet now
>Fall asleep and leave the next morning
>A few months later mom calls me
>The cops entered Greg's home due to a smell complaint
>They found Greg
>Greg was dead
>I inadvertently got him to kill himself
>I don't know anything else
>But the house was torn down
> It's now an empty lot
>But I, and hundreds of others still remember
>Wolfman Greg
God speed, you magnificent, early furry trash bastard.
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