>be medieval doctor
>chillin in my bitchin' horse and wagon carrying my various herbs and body parts
>for reasearch
>some asshole templars pull up
>notthisshitagain. oiloncanvas
>call me a nerd and make fun of my mask
>how is the mask stupid? the mask is the best part of being a doctor
>a couple of the bucket heads are coughing pretty bad
>it is time to do my duty
>my doctoral duty
>tell them I can cure them of their sickness
>grab a bunch of shit from the back of my wagon
>grind it all together
>tell them to put into all the holes in their body
>all the holes
>they totally believe it
>they start shoving the concoction in their assholes
>they complain of burning
>tell them that means it is working
>leave, go back to chillin
>i am a doctor
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