>Be me.
>Be 10-year-old little shit.
>Have a serious problem with not going to the bathroom because I'm too enthralled in the vidya.
>Instead of taking a shit I'd pick off little pieces of the shit sticking out of my ass and toss it behind my bed.
>I do this for months, never realizing that tiny pebbles of shit were accumlating behind my bed.
>Spring cleaning comes.
>Am too stupid to realize that my shit will be found.
>Step-dad says, "well son, let's start with under-the-bed first, seeing as how you always throw your trash under there."
>The jig is up.
>Step-dad slowly helps me clean up the food-waste and toys underneath my bed.
>he decides to pull out my bed for ease of access.
>I say, "it's okay, dad, I'll do it."
>Dad says, "this bed is much too heavy, you don't have to do anything else."
>Dad pulls the bed out, not realizing the shitstorm to come.
>Dad looks over behind the bed after he pulls it out.
>Goddamn son, didn't know we had mice!" he says after looking at the huge amount of shit pebbles.
>"Y-yeah, dad," is all I can muster out.
>I never threw shit pebbles behind my bed again.
>Mfw I dodged a huge punishment.
>Mfw I stopped throwing shit behind my bed.
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