>be me
>be 15
>have accelerated italian class
>teacher is a total bitch
>constantly skips me in class
>makes fun of me constantly
>decide to get revenge
>has a weekly online task we have to do
>just have to answer questions online
>anyone can get on it if they have the address and password
>go on to fagchan
>post web address and password
>cancerfest inbound
>go to sleep
>wakeupthenext day
>check the site
>the page has 30 comments
>all the names for the comments are fag, nigger, d.trump, etc
>stay out of school next day
>next day, wake up with alert on phone
>im signed up for alerts for my classes
>"Custom Message from Mrs. Bitch"
>explaining how the site got hacked by the 4chan crew
>says they're "infamous hackers"
>winner winner chicken dinner
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