> Be me, 23
> Live in Pennsylvania
> My friend does these civil war reenactments, he decides one day last week to invite me to one
> Let's call him Chad
> Chad picks me up earlier and we start driving to the reinactment
> He has an extra uniform for me, fits ok
> We get there and he says "Yo, take this" and he hands me some sort of pill to take
> Says that he takes these and it makes it so much more fun
> The individual regiments form up, we're some Ohio Regiment and I am told I am not a casualty
At this point things begin to get blurry as the pill kicks in
> We start marching out, I am sweating horribly and im super nervous
> We get in "range" of the enemy and everyone starts to open fire. I have no idea how to reload this shit and I start just fumbling with the musket
> All the sudden I see Chad fall down and he is screaming
> I have no idea what is going on because of the drugs, and I start screaming trying to pick him up
> I really think that Chad is dead and I start crying
> Supposedly I screamed something about mother telling me to protect him and that I didn't know it would end this way
> People around me all super confused
> The regiment continues fire and Chad begins to speak to me to calm me down
> "What the fuck dude"
> Im so amazed and in disbelief he is alive
> I start crying tears of joy saying that I thought he was a goner
> People around me still confused as fuck
> Some fat black guy pulls me up and says to get back into formation and we then begin moving out
> After the event I am given a shout-out for dedication
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