>be me
>about half a year ago
>be in same class as hot girl
>hot girl throws house party at the end of the schoolyear
>everyone gets super wasted, suddenly hot girl takes me into upstairs bedroom
>undresses and throws me onto bed
>start having hardcore drunken sex like animals
>loud moaning very sweaty and beer everywhere
>suddenly feel a disturbance in the force
>too late
>girl has crash landing on dick the japs would be jealous of
>dick snaps
>start screaming in pain
>run downstairs to find ice for cooldown
>no icecubes, just frozen vanilla flavoured cowsmoothie
>apply broken dick onto frozen delight
>pure bliss
>turn around to sit down
>whole party stares at me, music still playing
>sexy and i know it.mp3
>try to remove frozen dairy dumbell from dick
>bent dick stuck because saliva from hot girl
>panic strikes
>run through the crowd to get pants from upstairs
>fuck it just run for the hills
>get home
>just dad, no other witnesses
>dad takes me to hospital
>not lethal so anon survives
>swear a bloodoath never to tell anyone
next schoolyear starts
i have a twin brother, forgot to mention
>story seems to have spread
>brother acts weird
>ask why
>everyone yells at him for no reason
>they yell folding-dick fred
>realise what up
>can't do anything because scared
>situation gets worse after every week that passes
last weekend shit got dense
>brother can't take it anymore
>turns out the hot girl meant to invite brother because he was the cool one
dad figured out everything so hes taking all of my internet away
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