06 July 2015

Anon gets Girlfriend back

>Be 22
>Dumped by 7/10
>Little to no contact now
>7/10 used to bring her siberian husky pup,to my house daily
>3 months later
>Devise plan to kidnap Roscoe while she is at work
>Kidnap Roscoe
>Hugs and kisses. He's missed me
>See on Fbook she posted her dog has runaway
>Don't comment
>Going according to my plan
>Hangout with Roscoe for a few days
>Call 7/10 "Roscoe just showed up at my house!!"
>She shows up in tears and thanks me
>"You're welcome. It was really good to see Roscoe... a-a-and you"
>Smiles, hugs me and leave
>Fuck. I have to try again
>Wait another week
>Kidnap Roscoe again
>Once more. call her with the good news.
>She show's up while Roscoe and i are playing in the yard
>"Wow he must really miss you i guess. Anon"
>"Heh, yeah, I have missed him too..."
>"He's not the only one who's missed you..."
>Kiss the bitch and ask her to stay
>MFW I got my girlfriend back by kidnapping her dog