>5 years ago
>Open a new case
>Americunt pissed on our flag and insulted Ned kelleh
>Arrested and thrown in a hole
>This cunts goin down
>Slam 13 forsters
>Have maccas breakfast
>Ready for this shit
>He’s tryin to fend himself and shit
>Implies we ride kangaroo
>This fuckin dickhead thinks were aussie drongos
>My best barristers a Roo
>Smash his lawyer with a Longy
>Put the flag around my neck like Cronulla
>Everyones cheerin and shit
>Straya cunt
The Abo guards give me my big boot
>Hold down the yankee fuckwit
>“Calm down mate, it’s just a kick in the bum”
>Still bein a loudmouth yank
>Goin’ on about muh freedoms
>You insult our roos you get the boot
>Wall smashes down
>In the sunlight on a bald eagle
>Fuckin’ Baracks Obama shirtless holding an m16
>“Let my homie go dawgs”
>Dafuq you gonna do cunt, I’ll shank ya
>Fuckin’ diplomatic release or some shit
>Can't read it, Im austrayan not a fag
>Yankee doodle rides the eagle with Obama
>They fly back to Merica
>It’s war fuckers
>Straya Cunts
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