21 July 2015

Graduation party

>Two weeks after graduation
>Family decides to throw a graduation party at a lake
>Family getting kind of boring, friends start showing up
>Hanging around with couple friends from class
>We bought water balloons the night before and we start filling them up and shit
>Somehow ran out of water balloons
>Friends and I start grabbing regular sized balloons and filling them up
>Left with nine-month fetus sized balloons
>Literally does not explode upon impact to the face
>Watching fetus-balloons sail across the sky followed by a loud "thwack"
>Hears distant sound of frogs croaking
>"They're mocking us." I whisper
>Idiot friends and I proceed to hunt for the source
>Singles out a frog the size of a quarter
>Struggles to escape us, but resistance is futile
>Eyes the sack of unused balloons like the last of the condoms
>Starts filling the water balloon partway
>Stretches the opening just enough to slip him in
>Continues to fill the balloon to baby-fetus size
>Cradles it in my friends arms as we proceed to bring him to the sand
>Everybody salutes to the sinking sun as we launch Frogger 1 into orbit
>Never has science and art come so close
>Ackbars straight into it's homeland, the tiny pond
>The search for survivor begins
>Survivor spotted
>Every breath is held as it's outstretched body doesn't move
>Seconds pass
>A twitch
>Then a leap
>Cheers are made
>Champagne is shot into the air
>The frog is welcomed home a hero
>Frogger 1 has survived impact from 20 feet in the air
>Lives to pass on his story down generations
>mfw we forcibly kidnapped a frog from his homeland, stuffed him into a water filled balloon, tossed him into the air and watched him go splat, and live to tell the tale
>Best graduation party ever