14 July 2015

Feminazi takeover

>Year is 2020
>5 years after feminazi takeover
>be me
>at concentration camp
>Survivor of daily cis white male lynchings by rubbing shit on self
>marked as minority
>All men have lost hope
>castration day today
>shuffled down hall to penis guillotine
>door at end of hall
>use power of superior wages to break shackles
>get to end of hall
>run out of line and open door for the beautiful 400 pound womyn inn her mobility scooter
>mass shock
>entire camp is shocked
>the guard looks at me and attempts to swing her club
>dodge with my male privilege
>she falls to floor
>grab her arm and pull her back on the scooter amidst her rape calls
>she realizes she was just helped by a disguised white man
>men everywhere grunting with maximum expansion of dong
>"Im sorry what was that?"
>"T-THANK Y-Y-YOU" She says trough her sobbing
>"don't worry," i say as my dong expands into the heavens
>"it was," I say ejaculating a river of mountain dew
>"My Privilege"
>feminism soon eraticated