> be sitting in art class
> random tard walks in let's call him ben
> tard is famous for being on the wrestling team
> Ben walks over to me and says "sup dude can I have a cheese stick"
> I say "no sorry I don't have one right now"
> ben gets angry
>rage mode activate
> I get up and walk away because I'm afraid of him shitting his pants on me (happened to someone before)
> ben walks up behind me and fucking RKOs me
> on the ground, trying to get free of his choke hold
> he must have put me in a sleeper because I closed my eyes and woke up with a legit paramedic at my side
> Ben is raging
> Ben walks up to art teacher "GIVE CHEESE"
> Fucking punches teacher in the jaw
> wrangler comes in
> get a hold of Ben but he's already shit himself
> black out again
> wake up in hospital
> doctor says I have a skull fracture from slamming my head and he almost bit my little finger off
> school gives us $ so we don't sue