> be me
> be 19
> I first became a pokemon trainer when I was 12 years old.
> My parents died when I was 14 due to a terrible Car accident.
> I went to the Pokemon laboratory to visit Professor Rowan
> Once there, I saw my childhood friend Dawn
> She was picking her starter pokemon
> She chose Piplup
> I chose Turtwig
> Dawn saw me and walked over to me
> “Hey anon! Fancy seeing you here!”
> “Yeah, I decided that I will become a trainer.”
> “Hey anon my parents won’t be home till next week. You should come over.”
> I knew what she was getting at but I wasn’t interested.
> Puberty didn’t hit Dawn well.
> This was evident due to the horrendous amount of acne on her face.
> And her very flat chest
> “Sorry Dawn I am really busy and I need to head back to Uncle Tom’s Cabin to start planning out my adventure.”
> “Oh...ok... well i guess some other time then...”
> As I walk through the forest to head back to the cabin, I hear noises coming from the trees and shrubs around me
> Figure it’s a pokemon so I prepare to catch my first pokemon
> I reach for the pokeball in my back pocket that professor Rowan gave me
> Then a green silhouette jumps out from the shrub and leaps at me.
> It was a pokemon I have never seen before
> I reach for my pokedex
> It tells me that it’s a Gardevoir
> The Gardevoir begins to stare intensely at me
> I get a terrible headache
> begin to feel like my head is going to explode
> suddenly goes away
> I stare at the gardevoir speechless
> My mind starts to wander
>Suddenly notice the beauty in this Gardevoir
> He is so comely
> “I am a girl!” She says
> I was startled her mouth didn’t move
> Could she read my mind?
> “Of course I can!”
> But how?
> “I established a psychic link with you”
> “I have been searching years for a master and now I have found him”
> “I knew it was you once I saw you walking through this forest 7 years ago”
> “I have been watching over you from afar and protecting you”
> I was speechless, I didn’t know what to think
> “I know... This must be very shocking for you”
> “Come anon let’s talk more inside the cabin it is getting dark out”
>I gestured her inside Uncle Tom’s Cabin and showed her the way to my room
> She follows me
> I motion for her to sit on the bed beside me
> She sits
> “ Di...Did... you really mean what you said earlier?”
> About what?
> “When you said you thought I was comely...”
> Of course, Gardevoir
> You are the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen
> “Tha...Thanks,” say says with a small blush.
> Gardevoir begins to blush greatly
> She starts to shyly look at me
> She reaches for my hand
> I give it to her
> She puts my hand to her chest
> She moved my hand beside her heart in order to feel her cleavage
> It was delicate to the touch
> She leans in for a kiss
> I reciprocate the kiss
> It was a very long, wet kiss
> Her tongue caressed mine
> She then began to wear a seductive smile on her face.
> She got on her knees and unzipped my pants
> She began to caress my crotch
> She looks me in the eyes as she does this to me
> She brings me to almost climax but stops just before I reach my peak
> She looks at me lustfully and brings me close
> She whispers gracefully into my ear, “I need about tree fiddy”
> It was about that time I realized this Gardevoir was about 8 stories tall and a crustacean from the paleozoic era
> the goddamn loch ness monstah tricked had me again!
> Damn monster, I ain’t givin you no tree fiddy!
> I zip my pants, get up angrily and stomped out of the room
> Open the door
> Get on the floor
> Everybody walk the dinosaur
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