30 July 2015

Be scientist

>Be me.
>Be a scientist.
>Working on advanced spacial transportation.
>Teleportation, portals, wormholes, and shit.
>Lovely 9/10 qt assistant.
>Assistant=Testing rat for dangerous shit I dont want to do.
>Four weeks into project that can instantly teleport mass from a chamber to anywhere in a 10 meter radius.
>Assistant is still alive.
>More tests.
>Trying to teleport through walls.
>She gets in the chamber.
>Open the sails and set compasses for the opposite side of a closed door.
>Some warnings pop up.
>Knew I shouldn't have used Linux.
>Ignore them and smash the genaric big red tele button.
>After lots of flashing lights, loud noices, and the smoke clears, I notice that she has somehow fused with the door.
>She is still alive and perfectly functioning despite having a completelly wooden 2-inch wide midsection.
>She is panicing and doesn't know what to do.
>I tell her to remain calm and to let me handle the problem.
>I then proceed to spend the next few hours walking through her frame making every possible sexual innuendo known to man.
>Pic Related.
>She now lives out her life as a door.
>The end.