27 July 2015

Anon's birthday

>tell family I don't want to do anything special
>they know I hate being the center of attention and flounder badly in social situations of any kind
>force me to go out for dinner with them
>go to restaurant
>8 family members in total including me
>everyone talks among themselves animatedly during the meal
>nobody talks to me during the meal despite the occasion ostensibly being my birthday
>sit quietly and eat my meal
>feel uncomfortable that I am so obviously not fitting in
>mother and step-dad fighting and being passive aggressive to each other
>mother drinking too much
>meal nearly finished up
>happy that I'll be able to go home soon
>suddenly our waiter appears
>he's carrying a cake
>whole restaurant's wait-staff is accompanying him singing "Happy Birthday"
>rest of the restaurant all look around and some tables join in, looking at me and singing
>he puts the cake down in front of me
>it's a custom-made cake that my mother has requested to be made for me
>cake is adorned with a lone, glum, pale figure hunched over an inedible plastic computer meant to represent me
>drunk mother laughing heartily
>try my best to put on a smile so as to not appear rude
>everyone takes picture of the cake next to me
>family forces me to cut the cake
>they laugh at me for "cutting the cake weird"; "haha look at how he cuts the cake"
>meal ends
>go home

Pic related; it's the cake.