16 July 2015

Anon's Cat

> be me
> be 16
> have new cat
> cat is faggot asshole who sucks ass and shits everywhere
> be nice anyways
> try to teach cat litter box
> cat continues to shit everywhere
> try to make cat outdoor creature
> cat runs away several times
> drive hours to get faggot cat fag
> still little shit and craps everywhere
> mom fed up with cat
> isn't nice to cat anymore
> be me in bathroom "taking long shower"
> be actually furiously masturbating with shower on in background
> mid wank mom opens doors and throws cat into bathroom
> sees me and quickly closes door but cat homo is still in close proximity
> hear mom freaking out
> cat gets spooked
> cats starts to claw me
> flaccid penis whipping around
> cat begins to eye flaccid penis
> hoedontdoit.jpeg
> cat inserts spiked death into ball sack
> cat is literally dangling from ball sack
> pass out
> wake up half in cold shower cat is sitting in sink
> walk out in towel and make direct eye contact with mom
> put cat up for adoption
> get new dog