>just finished school
>family does well, dad owns an IT business
>gets me a job there
>pays well but i fucking hate it and hate working in a shitty office
>after a few years get fed up
>parents don’t approve
>“we give you this opportunity and this is how you repay us”
>”you’ll never get a job like this by yourself”
>i fall out with them, stop talking to them
>pretty depressed
>decide to volunteer with an aid organisation
>get assigned to some tiny Algerian village called Myoue (sounds like mew)
>inhabited by the Menh tribe
>I’m the only white person there, apart from monthly visits from the organisation with letters and food and stuff
>none of them can read or write, a few of them speak a bit of english though
>they’ve got some strange traditions
>one of them is an annual camel race
>they practically worship them
>been there about five months
>race is tomorrow
>one of the village elders approaches me
>explains the situation to me
>a few hundred years ago there were colonialists around the area
>they left saddles and gear to ride the camels easier
>they race them every year and breed the winners
>they’d never seen this equipment before, and never seen more since they were dropped off
>they are basically fucking mythological items to them
>they are sacred
>they think that anyone who’s white has a special power over them
>this guy asks me to use my power over them tomorrow to ensure a safe ride
>agree, why the fuck not, pretty funny
>next day
>they take me to the stable
>i play it up
>place my hands on each of the saddles and whips and reins and shit and close my eyes for ages
>put on the saddles and reins properly, they’d never used them properly
>they’re all enthralled
>keep talking about how powerful i am
>say that none of them could ever do it
>race goes great
>no one dies, which is apparently a big change
>people often got trampled before because the saddles were on wrong
>this continues for years
>be about 27 now
>parents have never got in touch
>one day the aid van arrives
>letter from my mother
>"we miss you so much”
>”so sorry for what we’ve done”
>”hope we can put it behind us”
>pick up a pen and write
>it’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from Myoue
>i do something that a hundred Menh or more could never do
>i bless the reins down in africa
>pic related
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