>Be me
>Exchange student in England, for education and shit
>One day, meet girl
> Easily 9/10. Long brown hair, perfect teeth (somehow, considering Europoor), amazing eyes
>Go up to her, alpha as fuck, and ask her for a drink
>Laughs, and agrees to it
>We find nearest pub, and start drinking
>Date goes well, I learn more about her
>She would be 10/10, but he has this annoying chav habbit
>Sometimes says "Oi" when speaking
>Doesn't seem like a big deal, but grates on your nerves after awhile
>Years later, after my exchange, we move back to my home country
>Eventually, we get married
>We get a house, and have kids soon thereafter
>2 kids: a boy and a girl
>Raise them well, and try to teach both my wife's and my culture
>Annoyingly, the one thing they pick up is her habit of saying "Oi"
>Fuuuuck me
>Make sure household is strict
>Kids start to refer to me as "sir", but still retain an amazing relationship
>Eventually wife starts becoming distant
>Leaves home constantly, acts dodgy when asked why
>Alarms go off in my head
>Go to nearest electronic store
>Blow my kids' college fund on cameras
>Literally hundreds of fucking cameras
>Get home, set up cameras everywhere
>A few days pass, but no proof yet
>Wife stays out longer and longer as the days pass
>Forced to take care of kids
>Literal fucking torrent of "Oi, sir!"s directed at me
>One day, the fish takes the bait
>Find proof that wife is cheating on me, with her boss
>Start bawling uncontrollably
>Go to confront her about it next day
>She sees the video, and starts to cry
>Not because she cheated on me
>Because of my obsession with trying to catch her
>Realize that in my zeal, I've become obsessed
>She looks my right in the eyes
>"Anon, tell me. Tell me what the fuck your life has become."
>A tear creeps from my eyes
>My mouth can hardly form the words that now define my existence
>I manage to stutter out
>"Oi sirs. Cams. And cuckolds."
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