05 July 2015

Anon pranks dad

>Be me.
>I dint really had any fun in weeks, vacations was sucking balls.
>I realize my dad is having a really bad time in his work at a office.
>I decide it's time to be a scumbag.
>I take my dad cellphone in night and install some programs in it.
>Now i can change time when i want.
>Find a excuse to go to my dad office and make some things on his PC.
>I can not just change time but also do pretty much whataver i want.
>Start making calls, talking about the prank with his work mates.
>They totally like it and want to do it very bad.
>So i start to make a plan.
>We start the prank creation, i put some cams on the office and they start some random fake problems for my dad.
>I start taking notes of EVERYTHING.
>Knows exactly how my dad do things in the office.
>Start making some calls, talk with my friends and they agree to do random events like talking with my dad in his way to work.
>At the end of step two: -R$1700.00 in my account, but tottaly worth it.

The history is too long to post it here, so i had to cut some details and dont put the two other steps on this post, but it's all on the coments baby.
Also, believe you or not it's all totally real. i am the devil.

>I start preparing the terrain.
>I make his cellphone and pc go back in time 5 minutes in the first day.
>His mate recriate a problem that happened 5 minutes before.
>When my dad comes back from bathroom he was actually a little bit scared, but could make it.
>Next day i do the same thing, but this time 10 minutes.
>Still ok.
>In the 3° i made my friend talk with him, and in the 4° my friend and my dad talked in the exact same hour and my friend said the same things in the start of the conversation.
>I start to mix everything and make his mind go insane changing not just time but day.
>Now it's the final of everything, the decisive week.
>My dad now is kinda scared of everything that's happening with him, but he tries to make it look normal.
>This will change very quick.
>I start making a day work exactly how the day before it worked.
>Same problems.
>Same words.
>Even same reactions.
>I make days and hours be the exact same.
>I make this for a whole week.
>Every single day of a fucking week.
>My dad start to go nuts, and is absolute sure that he needs to go to the hospital.
>In the 7° day, before he get out of work to go in the hospital i appear there.
>I say to him some fucking random speech about him being the chosen one and everyone start acting like we are not there.
>We go home and he dont know what the fuck is happening.
>Next day, everything normal.
>He was freaking out in work this time, expecting something to happen.
>Nothing happen.
>I go to his work before he left and make another speech.
>Same fucking speech.
>He freaks out and start punching me.
>I start yelling "IT'S A PRANK IT'S A PRANK DAD, COMMON, I'M SORRY!!".
>Dont really work.
>Dont want to hit my father, so i just run from him.
>He go's to the hospital, and stay there for 3 weeks.
>Tfw i send my dad to a mental hospital.
>Tfw i losed almost R$5000,00 in this prank.
>Tfw my dad almost killed me.

My dad and i dont really talk to much now.