06 October 2015

Anime Club

>be me
>2nd week of 10th grade
>teachers and staff announce the opening of a new after-school club
>it's an Anime-Manga club
>my friends and i immediately being making jokes about weeaboos
>my friend Brandon's semi-weeaboo GF is dragging him to the club
>semi-weeaboo gf is being dragged by full-blown weeaboo friends
>1 week later and the day has come
>im leaving my last period class, to go outside and wait for the bus home
>as i turn the corner, and enormous horde of weeaboos is crowding outside of a tiny room
>i had to pass them to get outside
>as i pass i smell cheeto dust and body odor
>some hamplanet weeaboo girl who has a huge crush on we tries to get me in
>papers with shitty anime drawings are falling out of her bag
>she has a mustache
>get to the bus just in time
>the mound of weebs only grows
>after school Brandon messages me on skype
>tells me about the club
>2 kids were using pencils as swords and reenacting a battle form some anime they watch
>some guy is pulled out for drawing hentai
>teacher does a whole speech about "not doing the hentai"
>says he found a small glob of semen on the ground 
>his gf almost pass out from the smell
the weeaboos only grow stronger