22 October 2015

Saved by George Carlin

>be me
>in an back alley before I start my day of soul-sucking bullshit in a windowless building facilitated by the American Public School system
>smoking the devil's lettuce
>with friends
>all taking hits of the wacky tobaccy
>all get a terminal case of the fuck arounds
>make jokes about lynching coons and jews a' burnin'
>top tier keks
>tubby friend's eye begins to twitch
>"you ok man?"
>releases a excruciating screech
>removes mask
>reveals Chanity Binx in disguise 
>knocks all unconscious with her arm rolls
>wake up with massive headache
>all of my friends naked, upside down, and chained to the wall from our ankles
>Binx, surrounded by other landwhales licks their lips cravingly, penis blood from other victims still abroad their faces
>suddenly boom
>George Carlin busts in to save the day
>hollers "Alright, which one of you little cupcakes wants to come home, cook me a nice meal and give me a blowjob?!"
>herd of hambeasts repelled 
>uses rape joke
>it was very effective
>herd dissolves into giant puddle of excess skin, dyed hair, and pronouns
>unties us 
>tells us to hop on his back
>flies us to comedy heaven
>meet Bill Hicks, Richard Pryor there
>all perform live that night