Be me.
>First grade.
>I have a group of friends at school.
>So i am friends with them for a while and I have this one friend.
>He is a short, fat, pale little boy with blonde curly hair.
>Nobody likes him and unfortunately my group of friends got stuck with him.
>We were not close friends but he just ate lunch with us and kind of drifted amongst the popular kids.
>So middle school comes.
>I am in seventh grade now.
Keep in mind i was not a annoying seventh grader. My whole friend group were pretty mature for our age.
>So my friends and I go to this park very often.
>We all lived near it and it was 5 minutes away from our school so we walked to their after school a lot,
>So our annoying friend, AJ always invited himself.
>We got very fed up with him and we would call him gay and pick on him sometimes.
I didn't hurt him but one or two of my friends would sometimes fight him.
>So we got fed up with him and we created a new nickname for him.
>We created a nickname that rhymed with his first name and his last name.
>It was Gay-J Fagasinn.
>It was great he hated it and everybody loved it.
>Fast forward a couple of month and my friends want to create a video game.
>It was a great idea because my friends had a program called RPG maker.
>We decide to be quite about it.
>Invite people who would actually benifit us.
>So i am with my friends and Gay-J appears before us.
>He mutters the words which would be the official decline of our friendship.
>"I heard you are making a game. I'm in."
>He walks off before we can even say anything.
>We fire him after our second meeting.
A year passes and we are in the eight grade now.
>We have little contact with Gay-J.
>Instagram has a huge update.
>I forget who but somebody makes a DM called Nike.
>Somebody invites all my friends and Gay-J.
>We all talk about some boring stuff when my friend Caleb brings up the girl that AJ likes.
>AJ becomes mad because he knows he doesn't have a chance with her.
Keep in mind that his crush is actually really pretty.
> So Caleb keeps threatning to invite her to the chat because Gay-J talked about her.
>He starts freaking out.
>We told him to send us a video of him saying "OK" to us and we wont invite her.
>He sends the video immediatly
>I take a screenshot of it because the video was pretty funny.
We made a instagram account based of his face and a couple other kids too.
>So Caleb invites her.
>Gay-J doesn't even react.
>Caleb becomes mad because Gay-J doesn't have a reaction.
>Caleb calls Gay-J a faggot.
>Gay-J doesn't react.
>I say,"Get rekt Gayleb."
>He then tells me to cry myself to sleep.
>Gay-J than said that Caleb is to poor to afford a knife so he cuts himself with a tape dispencer.
Keep in mind that Caleb actually did cut himself with a tape dispencer but not because he was poor or anything.
>The chatroom was silent.
>Caleb starts freaking out at Gay-J.
>Gay-J felt bad.
>He even posted publicly on instagram saying that he fucked up.
>He than makes another DM called "new and better".
>We all shun Gay-J.
I actually thought what Gay-J said was kind of funny but it was a little to far.
>So Gay-J tries to appologize but we kept avoiding him.
>He says that he would never do it again.
A day later he makes a new DM.
>He appologizes and it was cool.
>Caleb kept being mean because he was still mad.
>Gay-J starts fighting back and he says the same exact insult as he said before.
>Gay-J's Crush then joins the chat.
>She calls us monsters.
>We kindly explain the situation but she doesn't want to listen
>She actually hates Gay-J because he is really creepy to her.
>He would always ask to carry her books and stuff like that.
>When knew what we had to do. Kick Gay-J from our group.
>The day passes and we are all exited and nervous.
>We go to school early.
>We all meat up and decide what we were going to say.
>We talk about all the reasons we dislike him and all the times he had fucked up.
>We saw him and I had to tell him.
>I just straight out said that we didn't wanted to be associated with him anymore.
>He becomes really sad because he has no other friends.
>We all kind of feel bad for him but we realize this is for the best.
>He leaves.
>I get down on my knees and I scream," WE DID IT!!! WE BEAT THE AMERICAN DREAM!!!!"
>About a month passes and he sits with the popular kids. All he does is sit. he doesn't do anything else.
>One day my friends threw an apple at him saying " I bet you would like Michael up your asshole" (Michael was one of the kids in our group)
>He starts blushing.
>About five minutes later he trows the apple back.
>It hits one of the school supervisors.
>He was a tall black man who's left eye was red for some odd reason.
>He pulls Gay-J aside and gives a trash bag.
>He tells Gay-J to go and clean the entire lunch area.
>My friend group start laughing and we all look at echother.
>We all scream,"FIRE!" and we strike a pose at the same time like the little faggots we are.(We pretty much tried immitating Fox from Super Smash Bros.)
>We all start screaming that at him and my humanities teacher walks by and starts crouching down and screaming "FIRE" at him not knowing what had just happened.
>Gay-J became extreamly embaressed.
>Gay-J became very bobby and told our dean about the story,
>Only my friend Caleb got in trouble thought.
>Caleb didn't even get in that much trouble.
>All he got was a warning.
But now i have a new problem.
There is this kid called Siaheed at my school. He got expelled from his old school because he brought a knife to school and chased some kids with it.
So he became kind of close to my friend group.
He gets really insecure if you call him gay and he is kind of mad at me.
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