09 October 2015

Anon out of the house

>be me
>in 5th grade
>parents leave to take dog to vet
>tell my sister i cant i have my friends in the house
>she misunderstands and thinks im not aloud in the house while they're gone
>i get kicked out of the house
>i wander the neighborhood
>become hungry decide to go home
>sister wont let me in
>decide to wait five mins and sneak in through doggy door
>starts making ramen
>sister comes in and is yelling at me
>pins shoulders to counter
>start to panic
>fight or flight comes in
>see knife block in reach
>grabs bread knife tells her to let me go
>she screams runs to her room and locks the door
>she calls parents
>i finish making ramen and eats it
>go outside to play with the husky
>fast forward 8 years
>she still wont be in the same room as me when im cooking
regrets a bitch