02 October 2015

Anon teaches a kid

>Be me
>Be 14
>First day of highschool
>Went to a private middle school, so I didn't know many people
>Only knew one guy
>Tell myself i need to make new friends
>Walk up to girl
>"Hi I'm anon, whats your name?"
>I talk with her for all of ten seconds when she fakes getting a text and runs off
>Avoids me to this day
>I go through several more failed attempts when I get an idea
>hear about a social cripple club, where homeschooled/ socially retarded kids can get advice
>I sign up to teach kids
>My kid is a stocky guy, nice but really weird.
>Homeschooled, has no idea how to act around other kids
>start training him to be the perfect friend
>once i have trained him on social indicate, the program ends
>as i was training him, I through in some really weird shit
>like when some one sneezed more than once, fake sneeze at them
>more small things like this that would make for interesting classroom experiences
>slowly scale up how weird they are
>by the end, he will kick people in the shins if they have their shoes untied, kick lockers shut, and other more violent things
>We go on to be best friends to this day
>i wonder how much of that shit he still does
Pic is unrelated