15 October 2015

Water Slide

>be me, 13
>8th grade
>at this school hosted event for "good kids"
>school rented giant water slide
>I chose not to go on it, mostly because ashamed of beta body
>I didn't go, but the tards did
>they waddle up the stairs, some stopping in the middle or along the sides
>they reach the top then tumble down the slide until
>fat nigger tard's turn 
>proceeds to potato his way up the inflatable steps
>all is well as fat nigtard reaches the last step
>fat nigtard tumbles down the stairs, knocking down all the other tards
>fat nigtard is stuck at the bottom of the stairs as the other potatoes climb over his limp body and up the stairs
>finally, he gets up and tries again
>this nigger does the exact same thing
>reaches last step, proceeds to roll down the steps and over the other tards
>this time the potatoes are angry
>fat nigtard is slumped in a corner of the inflatable
>enraged tards approach him
>fat nigtard proceeds to get the shit beat out of him by the other special ed kids
>mfw I witnessed the lynching of a tard by ten other tards