04 October 2015

Female skrek

>8th grade (or year 8 for fags)
>fat as fuck teacher
>tooth gap
>female Shrek
>call her ogre
>step into the ogres lair
>she teaches English
>gives a fuck ton of homework
>accelerated classes because not a dumb fag
>reduced homework, still a lot though
>write giraffe three times, shit like that
>are you fucking kidding me
>story begins
>get container of dirt and plants
>pour on floor of class
>paint an ogre face on the door
>put "BEWARE" below it
>kek for a solid minute
>got her first hour
>sit at the door
>waddling down the corridor
>she's fucking sweating
>kek again
>all the students are keking cause of the sign
>she opens it
>damn near piss myself
>try to laugh in sync with other students
>loses shit
>someone fucking trips the ogre
>yells out "SLAIN"
>one kid pisses himself
>she quits and we got a hot 10/10 replacement
>wonder what happened to the ogre to this day