02 October 2015

Anon has a plan

>be me 
>in college
>first day of school 
>get into class and find most pathetic kid to sit by
>every day I hope he brings in a gun so I can destroy him in front of stacy
>a month goes by and not a single incident
>one day I’ve had enough and develop a plan 
>start talking to him
>pretend to be his friend
>start wearing slayer shirt and combat boots
>tell him how awesome it would be to take out a few of the kids in our class
>pretty sure he’s into it
>fucking psychopath
>get his number and send him messages of the plan
>he responds telling me some of his ideas but they are fucking garbage
>I come up with legit plan and we bring our shit to school
>sitting in class waiting to strike
>stacy is sitting right behind me and she’s about to swoon as I take this fucking nerd down
>he isn’t moving
>little bitch 
>I have to do something
>pull out gun and start shooting everyone
>he pulls out his gun
>tackle him down to the ground and beat the shit out of him
>people are dead everywhere 
>I turn around to see if stacy saw me pummel this faggot
>MFW she’s dead as fuck