>buy Arkham Knight
>play it over and over again for at least a month
>love everything about it
>I loved Scarecrow the most
>his raspy voice was fuckin butter to my ears
>would constantly hear his quotes echo through my brain
>begin muttering some of his lines from the game
>only do this when I'm alone
>start trying to emulate his voice more
>put on deep raspy voice and pretend I'm the scarecrow when I'm in my room or when I'm home alone
>talk in my sleep as the scarecrow
>when I'm writing during class I continuously mutter...
>"you will bring death to all who follow you"
>... under my breath
>begin making up lines of dialogue I could say as scarecrow
>create mini scenes between Batman and Scarecrow in my head
>begin saying that shit too, all while trying not to get caught
>until this one time
>I'm in the cubicles at school
>think I'm alone
>talk in my normal volume
>"You have a choice Batman, either you rescue Barbara Gordon, or you stop my latest toxin from filling Gotham's streets with fear"
>"You're insane Crayne!"
>"Am I? Or are you..."
>suddenly hear a toilet flush right next to me
>guy in the next cubical walks out before stopping in front of my door and says something
>"nigga you gay"
>he walks off
>silently cry until lunch ends
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