17 October 2015

Sex Ed

> grade 5 / 11 years old
> bit fat, not many friends but other kids tolerate
> box at front of class for anon questions during sex Ed
> vas deferens
> fallopian tubes
> video designed to appeal to The Youth with fat lady casually discussing periods
> anon box is still at front of room

> thisismychance.bat

> write question using other hand so can't be traced
> "what does sex feel like?"
> risque, right?
> tell other boys about plot
> find out years later other boys had already started having sex, one had had a three some

> it's the day and teacher is answering all anon questions
> pulls them out one by one
> teacher is probably 59 and very Catholic lady
> sweating bullets to see the result

> questions start
> answers
> "if you think you might need deoderant, you need deodorant!"
> "the human male penis continues growing up until you're 21"
> "talk to your friends! It's important to find a bra that fits"

> my question is read
> "what does sex feel like?"
> some students gasp then laugh
> teacher moves on to next question without answering
> as class is packing up she and everyone who asked that question
> several people answer immediately that it was me, they sound kind of tired
> teacher says "oh anon"
> she puts hand on my shoulder
> she pulls me in for an embrace
> she sighs like I'm pathetic
> her arm flaps while she hugs me