>be me few months ago
>moved into my own apartment
>almost no furnishings besides a single couch
>i am part of the pc master race so i need a bigass desk for my triple monitor setup
>i set my pc up on the floor and browse through craigslist
>find a listing for a fairly well condition, used desk that is only 4 miles away
>email him ill be there tomorrow at 4PM
>fastforward next day
>i leave the house and get to driving
>419 East Addlebury LN is what he emailed me
>i get about 3 blocks away
>notice im entering niggerville central
>can see visible 9mm out of every nig-nog that walks by
>i pull into the driveway
>i shit you not this looks like a crackden
>i walk up and knowck on the door
>a 6,7 nigger answers the door and literally says "ay You here for the desk nigga"
>as a 5,5 skinny white kid i am fucking terrified and about to dash out of there
>the nigger takes me into the house and says he keeps it upstairs
>as we walk through the house every room is filled with niggers all wearing gang shit
>i descend deeper into the house
>the nigger takes me to a room at the end of the hall and tells me to go in first
>this is where i draw the line i just stand there and look scared
>he opens the door and escorts/pusges me in the room
>there in the room is a nice desk
>looks even better in person
>"ay so this is it, want some help loading it"
>he calls in 3 other porch monkeys and they carry it out to my car
>load up the desk and get ready to get the fuck out of there
>as i'm pulling out of the driveway trent (his name) runs after me
>i stop and he does the unthinkable
>he gives me my phone that i set down in the house while i was putting 911 on speedial
>i leave and get home to set up my new desk
>all set up and browsing /b/
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