>Be me in science a long time ago
>Doing a experiment with chemicals n shit
>Have to wash hands with soap after
>My retarded ass thinks i'm hilarious
>Slaps soaped hands together
>"hueh im a otr"
>Soap flies off
>direct hit on a 9/10 girls eyes
>Her eyes start welling up
>Dont know what do
>Starts fake laughing
>Dont know how to apologize
>Dries hands and walks back to seat
>Talking to friends about rappers hand movements when they rap
>"Hey anon, did you get soap in my friends eyes?"
>locks eyes with 9/10
>I do it again
>half the class near her
>feeling terrible but laughing it off
>friends are oblivious to whats going on
>teacher is oblivious
>Glances at her
>another eye lock
>you know it
>Class ends
>She has to go down to nurse
>Next day
>Have homeroom with her
>Eye looks like someone tried to gouge it out
>sit next to her
>she sits there looking at me
>I can see the pain
>For some reason i find this hilarious
>Starts laughing
>"Is her pain that funny to you?"
>Decide its time to stop being beta cuck
>Goes up to her
>"Sorry for uh"
>"Jizzing on you there"
>Blank stares
>"I mean uh"
>Sorry for squirting on your hole there
>Here comes the sweat
>keep thinking of the white soap
>Can you guess what comes next
>My friends have backed off
>Who hasn't by then
>still staring at me
>Teacher walks in
>still couldn't apologize
>act normal rest of day
>New day
>Decide im going to get it this time
>Homeroom starts
>All seems normal
>9/10 walks in
>group of friends behind her
>Getting ready at my seat
>Get up
>Walk over to her
>"Look, anon-"
>Blocked by her friends
>"We dont want you near anon"
>"But i want to say sorry"
>"You'll probably make her cry again"
>No more
>Push past them
>Surprisingly easy when they don't want to touch you
>Go up to her
>I notice her eye is less swollen
>Hold back laughter
>"Alright anon, i want to say sorry"
>"Its okay"
>"Are you sure?"
>Her friends are just staring at me
>My friends walk in and notice whats going on
>"Yeah its fine, i dont mind"
>Feel relief
>rest of the day is normal
>Known as soap squirter for the rest of the year
>never talked to 9/10 again
>Still chuckle when i think back to it
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