>Usual Tuesday
>Wake up at 9:30, snooze for another 2 hours
>Notice that someone's car is outside, mum must have a friend over.
>Avoid going upstairs for another half hour and have a long wank
>Get hungry eventually, so I grudgingly make my way upstairs to the kitchen
>Hear mum talking about me as I'm coming up the stairs, "I don't think he's ever been with a girl, he doesn't get out much for someone his age"
>Mum's friend responds, "That's a bit of a worry, Jarrod introduces me to a new girl of his every few weeks. I swear, I've told him I don't care who you date just don't bring them to my house to screw"
>Louden my footsteps, hear hushed whispers as they change the topic, having been alerted to my presence
>come into view at top of stairs
>Mumble, 'hi' to mum and her friend as I quickly enter the kitchen
>Put some toast on
>Mums friend stars the questioning, "So what are you up to these days anon"
>"nothing much just looking for a job", I keep my gaze on the toaster as I answer
>"you said that last time I was here, and that was over 3 months ago"
>Mum chips in, "He wastes away his days on those damn computer games, never does anything productive"
>Don't bother responding, just stare at the toaster
>"Anyway anon, Jarrod's going to a big party tonight over in Brissy tonight, your mum and I wondered if you might want to go, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you tagged along"
>"Thanks, but I don't think I can get to Brisbane tonight"
>"Don't be silly anon, Jarrod can pick you up on his way"
>Mum strongly encourages me, ''Just GO!, have some fun and get out the house for once"
>Realize I cannot refuse, "Ok then"
>Toast pops up
>Quickly butter it and head downstairs
>Play vidya for a few hours
>Hear mum seeing off her friend, lets call her Kate, I'm sick of referring to her as mum's friend
>Mum goes back inside and Kate heads to her car
>She gets into the car and starts making a phone call, the windows are down and my room faces the driveway, so I can easily hear her
>"Well look, I'm good friends with his mum so I would really appreciate it if you'd take him with you"
>"listen, she's worried about him, he never gets out of the house and he doesn't have any friends"
>"Ok, thank you, I told them you'd be here to pick anon up around 5:30"
>Play vidya until 4:30
>put on my nice cloths, denim shorts, my old leather school shoes which are the only pair I have and my terminator 2 shirt
>Use the imperial leather deodorant because it's a special occasion
>hear Jarrod arrive at 5:30, can hear popular music like you hear on the radio coming from his car
>Oh no, there's other people in the car, girls
>Walk out front door, Jarrod and his companions get out of the car
>"Hi Jarrod"
>"H-Hey man, whats happening?"
>Not sure whether to respond or not, end up keeping quiet
>Him and his companions look somewhat disgusted, one of the girls is trying to conceal a smirk, reminds me of my high school days
>"Ok, so we've just gotta stop at the bottle shop on the way to the party"
>We all get in the car
>It's a small car, Jarrod and his girlfriend are in the front, there's two more girls in the back, I have to squeeze up next to one of them
>I can't get my seat belt in
>Keep fiddling with it but the belt won't go into the buckle
>My hand is basically under the girl's ass
>She looks uncomfortable to say the least
>"you OK back there anon?"
>"just a sec" I'm getting really flustered, it simply won't go in
>"don't worry about it man, the bottle shop is just down the road"
>"oh, ok"
>I just wrap the belt around my stomach
>The music is loud and makes my head hurt
>After a few minutes Jarrod tries to make conversation with me
>"You don't really seem like you're diggin these beats haha, what kinda music you into"
>"I don't really listen to much music",
>After a moment of awkward silence Jared goes back to making conversation with his friends, who seem content ignoring me, especially the girl next to me, who's bum I touched while trying to fix the seat belt. She actually makes an effort not to face me
>We're approaching the bottle shop, coming up to the last intersection
>Jarred had turned around to talk to one of the girls in the back, because of this, he didn't notice the cars slowing down in front of us
>"Fuck Jarrod! look out" one of the girls shouts
>Jarrod slams on the breaks and everyone is thrown forward, of course I'm not wearing my seat belt properly so I thrown into the back of the passenger seat
>Feel my nose slam into the plastic, followed by a trickle of blood running across my mouth.
>My arm also gets hit at a weird angle, can barely move it without pain
>Jarred notices, "Oh for fuck man, are you alright"
>"not really, I think my nose is broken, my arm hurts pretty bad as well"
>We pull into the bottle shop, "Ok, we'll take you inside to phone for help"
>Jarrod and his gf take me inside while the others wait in the car
>Tell guy at counter what happened and he phones an ambulance
>The three of us wait out the front of the bottle shop, the others are still in the car
>Jarrod and his gf keep arguing in hushed whispers about something, they stop talking every time I glance over
>Eventually Jarrod comes over to me "Hey anon, we're just going back to the car to let the others know what's going on"
>"ok" I'm wondering at this point why they both have to go
>They get in the car, See Jarrod get in the car and turn it on
>He briefly glances at me, I can see the pity in his eyes, then he turns his gaze to the rear mirror, backs out and leaves
>feel pretty shitty after I realize what's happened
>Start crying, sobbing is probably a better word, it's quite loud
>People are staring at me, a few ask if I'm ok, this doesn't help my feeling of general shitness
>hear ambulance in the distance
>by the time the paramedics arrive I've gathered a small crowd, as I sit on the curb covered in blood, with tears running down my face
>Take me to hospital
>Mum arrives shortly after
>Find out I've got Broken nose and dislocated arm
>Mum goes off at Kate on the phone when she finds out what happened
>"that cunt of son of yours just left him in the fucking car park!"
>throws the phone down in a fit of rage
>We leave at about 8:30, I've got plaster all over my face, and my arm's in a brace
>Mum bitches about Kate and Jarrod all the way home, she's furious about what happened
>Go to bed
>that was 6 months ago, I haven't seen Kate or Jarrod since
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