27 August 2015

Student Teacher Assistant

>Be in senior year of high school.
>Folks are psyched about me graduating. (Only child.)
>Assume everything is in order to graduate.
>Grades/Transcript arrive in mail while folks are at work.
>1.5 credits short…
>Begin to have a mild panic attack as parents have already paid for cap, gown, class ring, ect. (All non-refundable btw.)
>Next-door neighbor (Who happens to be a special ed. teacher at my high school, and a bro-tier guy) hears me and asks what’s wrong.
>After I explain he takes a moment to think, then snaps his fingers.
>”Hey, I’ve got an idea Anon! Why don’t you sign up to be an S.T.A.(Student Teacher Assistant) for my class? It’s worth 2.0 credits!”
>Be apprehensive, because his class is the problem tard class.
>Teacher-Bro senses this and says, “And don’t worry, you won’t actually have to work with the students. The most I’ll have you do is grade a few papers now and then. I’ll even let you work on your other class work and listen to your iPod.
>While still a little doubtful I agree, and next semister it’s time for my first day as an S.T.A.

>Walk into class and scan the room.
>The tards seem split into two groups, a large male group of 12, (Near the front of classroom/teachers desk) and a smaller female group of 6. (At the back of classroom near the door.)
>Teacher-Bro notices me and calls me to the front of classroom to introduce me.
>As he talks, most of the tards ignore us and continue their “discussions?” except for one female tard, who seems to look at me with a strange expression, but I’m not sure she is looking at me, as she has a lazy eye.
>Teacher-Bro finishes my intro, and asks me to take a seat.
> I move to an isolated corner desk back to the corner, turn on my iPod (with earbuds hidden by my hoodie) at a low volume and begin on an assignment from another class.
>5 minuets into class and I start hearing the tards over my music. Think to self - “Whatever, I’ll just turn up the volume.” Do so without looking up.
>10 minutes later I hear tards again. Head down volume up.
>Another 5 minutes pass and more tard noise. Realize volume is at 75%. Think, “Damn these tards are loud. But I’m on a roll with this homework, sooo…..” Max volume, head down, keep working.

Now I’d like to stop here and say that in hindsight, at that LAST juncture I probably SHOULD have looked up.

>After another 3-5 minuets I feel the need to piss.
>I close my textbook, put down my pen, and just as I look up…
>A shoe lands across my face.

>At first I was stunned I hadn’t had a shoe thrown at me since kindergarten when some kid was having a temper tantrum.
>When I finally gathered my wits and looked around, what I saw was a full retard shitstorm.
>Directly in front of me were 8 of the male tards who seemed to be yelling at me. (My iPod was still on full blast and I couldn’t hear them.)
>Behind them, the remaining 4 tard males were holding/pinning Teacher-Bro in his chair.
>The female tards were in front of the door unintentionally blocking it, while they seemed to be consoling the now crying female tard that was starring at me.
> As I looked on at the scene before me, the largest of the tard males stepped forward from the crowd, yelling and cursing.
>I gave him a confused look, seeking to find an explanation, but this seemed to only anger him further.
>He then bent down and began to take off his shoe, and I knew just what he planed to do with it.
At this point I had been hit in the face with one filthy retard shoe. I WASN’T GOING TO PUT UP WITH A SECONED.
>With all his strength, the alpha-tard threw his shoe at my head, and all in one motion I dodged the size 14-wide, it hit the wall behind me, and before it fell to the ground I grabbed it and winged it back at him, it’s heel-landing right at the bridge of his nose, completely knocking him out.
>The following sight was like David felling Goliath.
>Without their leader the tards quickly surrendered, Teacher-Bro called school security and they arrived shortly, the vice-principal with them.

>It was then I learned the whole story.

Apparently the female tard who was starring at me, decided that she liked me. While I was working she tried to confess to me, she couldn’t see that I had earbuds in and took me not noticing her as me ignoring/rejecting her and began to cry. The male tards saw this and decided I needed to be punished leading to the situation. Teacher-Bro covered for me, telling the vice-principal I wasn’t to blame, and I got off scot-free. In fact as an apology, Teacher-Bro allowed me to spend my time in that period in the teachers lounge for the remainder of the school year, while still getting the 2.0 credits. So I spent half the year chilling in the teachers lounge, got to graduate on time, and all I had to do was spend 1 DAY in that classroom.