16 August 2015

Dirty room

>be me 
>mom has been telling me for two days to clean my room 
>there's nothing on my floor except for like 4 water bottles and 2 empty yogurts
>she's had enough 
>comes up when dad is in my room 
>dad tells me to just clean my room 
>pick everything up 
>mom asks how fucking lazy I am
>I say pretty damn lazy 
>my sister is recording this whole thing 
>mom comes over when I'm holding an empty yogurt 
>slaps me for "being disrespectful" 
>some yogurt gets on my bed sheet 
>mom says to clean it up 
>my dad jokingly says "are you sure that's yogurt" 
>my mom says "he's got a sock under his bed for that" with a shitty fucking grin 
>room goes silent 
>mom tells me to throw my sock away 
>sister still recording 
>start laughing uncontrollably out of sheer autism 
>say I'll throw it away when they leave 
>keep laughing 
>they leave 
>I don't throw the sock away 
>eventually use it to fap again later in the night