>be me 12.
>finally realized my dick could make me feel good.
>I used to save the pudding cups I'd get in my lunch box so when I got home I could smoosh the chocolate pudding between my fingers as I smeared it on my cock.
>one day have a genius idea.
>invite my bro friend over for a sleep over during spring break.
>we play vidya all night and eat pizza.
>it's getting late and we finally decide it's time to go to sleep.
>I'm giddy with excitement, all too ready to hear his heavy breathing in the night.
>I have been saving my pudding cups for a week.
>pull out 5 Jell-O chocolate pudding cups that I have hidden under my bed.
>I jab my toes into my friend's leg just to make sure he is sleeping.
>he is knocked the fuck out.
>as silent as I can be, I tear the labels off the tops of all the pudding cups.
>one smells slightly sour, but I don't care.
>my 12 year old dick is throbbing in anticipation.
>I unzip my friend's sleeping bag and finish rolling him on his belly.
>I spread his butt checks with one hand and squeeze the cups over his crack.
>I make sure to stuff the empty containers and lids back under my bed.
>my dick is ready.
>I silently slide my twitching member between his cheeks.
>The pudding envelopes my cock in it's familiar sweet embrace.
>I hot dog his butt for a good 40 min until I can't hold back.
>jizz all over his pink cheeks.
>exhausted from my endeavor, I pulled his pj shorts back up and slip my chocolate kissed dick back into my underwear.
>next day wake up to him complely cleaned and dressed and acting normal.
>come to find out, my mom checked in on us during the night and saw brown goop seeping from his shorts.
>while he was half asleep, she had him clean himself.
>he was so groggy that he believed he shit himself.
>heard this side of the story years later from my mom.
>still laugh to this day.
>I switched to tapioca now.
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