21 August 2015

Pizza roll

>be me 
>at home hanging out with friends
>playing fallout 3 when 
"Hey man, are you getting hungry?"
>actually I am starved
>look in my freezer because we are too socially awkward and lazy to call for pizza 
>find pizza rolls 
>cook at suggested amount of time
>my microwave is shit and doesn't heat up pizza rolls
>put them in again 
>pizza rolls are noticibly hot 
>don't tell friends 
>friends attempt to eat pizza rolls
>the heat melts some of their mouths 
>one of my friends heads explode 
>friends are now cutting off their tongues from the agony 
> the rolls that they dropped burned a hole in my floor and reach the earths core 
> volcano emerges and destroys my home town 
>I'm the only survivor 
>still have a pizza roll in my hand
> try it for the Lulz
>its meh I'd rather get a pizza next time