>Be me
>Be 14 in 8th grade
>Have glasses, style my hair with it pushed back, wear button up shirts, and always wear my retainer
>Have like 3 friends who I don't even really like, they're just losers like me so we kinda stick together
>I don't get bullied, but I don't talk to anyone really
>In English and there's this guy
>His name is Matt
>Matt hit puberty first so he's kind of the alpha
>Super tall, deep voice and has the skater hair look
>Grills don't really find him attractive, but dude's are intimidated by him because he's so much bigger
>In reality he's just this lurchy white kid who will later become a loser
>Matt knows this, so he's basking in the glory in the now
>Anyways, one day Matt says something really fucking dumb and I make a snarky remark insulting him and the entire class laughs
>Matt is not happy
>On my way to lunch I'm just kind of minding my own business
>Get in the long ass line for some pizza
>In front of me is Matt
>Matt turns around and spots me
>"So you think you're really fucking funny Anon?"
>"Oh, earlier? Nah I was just making a joke."
>"Fuck you dude. You're fucking pathetic. And your breath stinks!"
>14 year old mind searches for comeback
>"Yeah? Well my breath stinks from eating your Mom's pus out so much"
>Fucking nailed it
>Really hot girl behind me laughs really hard
>Makes me really hard
>Matt is threatened
>Matt is baffled so he does the first thing he can think of
>Matt spits his fucking gum right at my face
>Hits my cheek and bounces onto the floor
>People notice and know shit is about to go down
>I'm pissed
>But I'm also a beta
>"Fuck you Matt."
>Walk off and sit in the bathroom shaking angry
>Matt has always fucked with other kids, but me? I've never been bullied before. I don't really know how to handle this.
>That one incident is still the only time I was bullied, besides shitty remarks mocking from Matt that same year, so we fast forward to my senior year
>Dwell on how Matt treated me like such a beta, literally do everything the next four years to better myself
>Only wear retainer when sleepy time, learn how to style my hair better, get a better taste in clothes and find a pair of glasses that really fits me
>Not popular, but I have lots of friends from different cliques so I'm really happy
>Actually getting girls now and am actually funny
>Since then, everyone else has "matured"
>Matt is no longer special
>Matt has like, four friends whom are all freshman
>Matt doesn't get fucked with, but everyone hates him and finds him annoying because we all realize how awkward he is
>Although my "social status" is far greater than his, I'm still a broken boy on the inside from the gum incident
>Me and Matt haven't talked once in high school
>It's gearing up towards the end of the year, so there are a lot of parties happening
>There is one party that stands out the most
This is the night I get my revenge on Matt.
>Friday night and Spring is finally upon us
>Girls are wearing slutty clothes, guys are feeling ballsier than usual, it's a perfect mixture of hormones and substances to create a dangerous mix
>So I get to this party and it's pretty early
>Meet up with some bros and we're just hanging out in the living room having drinks and just talking about college, summer plans and girls we're trying to hookup with
>I'm currently pursuing a junior, we'll call her Allie.
>Allie is 5'2 with a huge ass and C cups. She's blonde and tan. She's a goddess in the eyes of many, and my Blink-182 Facebook statuses are what snagged her interest
>I text her and ask her to come out, she says she'll come out later and she's excited for tonight
>I might get laid tonight and I'm with good company, the night is already shaping to be a good one
>I'm laughing and polishing off my beer when I see it
>There at the doorway
>There's fucking Matt
>More and more people start showing up and people are starting to get drunk
>It's actually turning into a really cool night
>We're outside on the back porch drinking when I notice Allie had arrived
>She spots me from the doorway and waves
>She does her rounds saying hi to everyone when she finally makes it outside
>She comes up to me and gives me a hug and says he to everyone
>"Hey Allie!! How've you been?? I haven't seen you in a while!" screeches Matt
>"Oh, hey Matt." she says reluctantly
>I offer her my unopened beer and make my way inside to get another
>Behind me I hear Matt ask Allie "So why haven't you text me back lately??"
>"Sorry, my phone's broken."
>I laugh to myself
>Fast forward into the night
>Allie is doing some shit with her girl friends while the guys are in the garage
>Someone brought weed and their pipe so we start smoking
>"So Matt, what's up with you and Allie? Tryna get with her?"
>"I don't know man! She's really cute but I think she's prude or something because she's really distant!"
>I lel
>I take a hit and pass it to Matt, who at this point, is getting pretty fucked
>"I've never smoked before!! Does it hurt?!"
>"No Matt, marijuana doesn't hurt."
>Matt proceeds to take the biggest hit I have ever seen
>Matt instantly vomits on the ground
>We all groan at the party foul Matt is committing
>Matt has to ask the girl who lives in this house where her cleaning stuff is and gets yelled at and ridiculed for throwing up
>It's really funny and I feel my soul begin to repair from his previous harassment
>I'm not done yet
>Go back upstairs and I'm feeling pretty gone
>Meet back up with Allie and we play beer pong with some other people
>She keeps touching my arm and leaning against me
>Shit's playful and cute
>At one point I grab her ass and notice Matt staring at me. He finishes off his beer and walks away
>Later in the night and shit's starting to slow down
>People are either hooking up, passing out, or going home
>Don't see Matt anywhere so I figure he went home
>Me and Allie are getting handsy when I ask her if we should go into one of the rooms
>She agrees
>Allie is a dumby when she's drunk
>We go into the first available room. Before I can turn on the lights, Allie see's that it's a bunkbed
>She instantly climbs onto the top bunk
>I smile and look at the bottom bunk
>There's Matt sleeping on the bottom bunk
>I'm going to fuck the girl Matt likes with him in the same room
>I jump onto the top bunk from the bottom bunk
>Me and Allie start getting into it pretty hard
>I'm grabbing her ass and playing with tits
>I'm literally doing as much as possible to make her moan at the top of her lungs
>Go down on her and she starts moaning my name
>Get a blowjob that's pretty cash for high school
>Get ontop of her and start giving her the business
>Getting real loud and physical
>Tell her the only way I can cum is if she says my name, tell her it's an ego thing
>She's cool with it and keeps saying my name
>Last probably 15 minutes before I pull out and bust all over her
>We end up wiping the cum off of her with her underwear
>I wad it up and throw it down below
>Put a little twist into the throw so I know it'll land on the bottom bunk
>Pass out with a naked girl in my arms
>Fall asleep with a smile on my face
The Next Morning
>I wake up and instantly realize what all had transpired last night
>Literally hop off the bed naked to see if Matt's still there
>The blankets are pulled apart, showing someone had been sleeping there
>Cum panties are now across the room caught in the blinds, as if they were thrown
>Get dressed and go out into the disaster zone of a living room
>Ask the girl who threw the party what had happened to Matt
>She tells me he left really early without talking to anyone
>Looked sick apparently
>I can't stop smiling
>Go wake up Allie and tell her I'm going home
>Kiss her goodbye
>Tell my bros I'll see them later
>Drive home with a smile
I'd occasionally see Matt in the hallways for the rest of the semester, but he'd never make eye contact with me. Me and Allie ended up dating for two years when we decided we couldn't make long distance work from going to separate universities. What I did is fucked up, I know, and I probably went overboard. I don't feel bad though. It's still one of the highlights from high school.
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