> be me 16
> we had just started the year and the school decided to give each of us macbooks for work
> they loaded them with Microsoft and photoshop programs thinking we needed them
> we literally only used them for facebook during classes
> fuckThePolice.png
> fast forward 2 months
> everyone had gotten used to using macs and the programs
> one day we find this autistic german kid’s usb device in Biology class
> decide to give to nerd kid to check it out
> crowd forms around nerd kids macbook as he opens the usb files
> there is a bunch of random files like ‘movies’ and ‘manga’
> we find one word document titled ‘DO NOT ENTER’
> ohgawdwhy.gif
> this makes us all laugh, everyone in hysterics of how obvious this is
> nerd kid opens the word file to make sure
> what we see next gives us all ptsd intantly
> in this word document was thousands upon thousands of porn pictures
> each is a photoshop of him fucking Katy Perry
> he made it look like he was fucking katy perry
> this cunt had perfected this as a skill
> autistic German kid is sitting at the front of the class watching animu
> Idea.senpai
> we tell everyone except the autist to start playing katy perry on there macs on specific signal
> the signal was when jock kid says “hey anon, I didn’t know you knew katy perry”
> everyone gets ready
> complete silence from everyone
> jock sounds the signal
> shitty katy perry songs blunder throughout the classroom
> autist german embarrassed as fuck
> yells at jock and tries to display his manly rape urges
> teacher is angry as fuck, tells everyone to turn off the music
> no one abides
> autism of german kid intensifies
> spaghetti falls out of his pockets
> looks at nerd kid, say “I will end you inferior being”
> runs away from the school
> we all get detention, worth it baby
> 3 weeks later he kills himself
mfw we made someone kill themselves
mfw they played a katy perry song at his funeral
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