13 August 2015


>be me
>be with friends
>be high schoolers
>walking home because too young to drive
>jaywalk because there's no crosswalk for a while
>get shouted at from a truck
>friend shouts back
>truck pulls over in front of us
>out steps the fattest kid at our fucking school
>he's a year older than us and he's seriously so huge
>like, his truck visibly lifted when he stepped out
>hamplanet and friend start talking shit back and forth
>rest of us watch
>the fatty is ready to fight
>friend just starts walking in wide circles as fatass advances on him
>friend is coaxing him on
>fatty pursues
>realize what is happening
>fight to contain my laughter
>this goes on for a while
>blob on legs is turning red and clearly winded
>he finally can't go on
>he is panting and barley makes manages to waddle over to his truck
>opens door, steps up to get in
>misses step up
>tumbles to the earth with a mighty crash
>our laughter can be heard for miles