>Be 12 years ago
>Be 17
>Be in high school
>The school Janitor was an asshole
>School is located in Florida
>Ghetto as fuck school
>like I said, the janitor was an asshole
>Complaints of the janitor insulting people based on race
>School ignores it
>I walk down the hall one day
>See for myself the dumb fuck janitor bullying people walking down the hall
>Calls this 14 year old black kid a disgusting nigger
>Said 14 year old was my brother
>I'm fuming mad
>I know what I have to do..
>I walk into the bathroom and locate a toilet with a turd in it
>Its the grossest toilet i've ever seen, mushed turd sliding against the toilet walls
>Urines also caked and dried all over the toilet walls
>Evil Smile
>I go back to class
>Pay 4 of my friends 10 dollars each to shit in all 3 toilets and not flush
>2 hours later they do it
>Its lunch break
>I walk to my car in the parking lot and start searching for rocks
>Find a few small rocks that fit in my hand
>Smuggle them to the bathroom
>Set my backpack on the wall next to a urinal (don't know why I thought that would be smart)
>See all the toilets have warm shit in them, along with the 1st toilet that already had shit in it
>Start dropping the rocks into the toilet
>Rocks are blocking up the toilet
>Start flushing crazily on all of them
>2 minutes later they all start to overflow
>I walk to the bathroom door with a smile on my face
>I turn around to see about 8 turds all slide across the ground as the urine stream following it makes its way to the walls and door
>I realize the spill might go out onto the hall
>Oh god is it really that bad?
>I run into one of the stalls and see a tornado of turd buildup in the toilet
>I start running for my backpack
>I trip on the wet floor
>Faceplant onto the wet floor breaking my fucking nose
>I get up, covered in shit, with a broken bloody nose...
>walk out
>walk to my car about to drive home to shower
>Remember my backpack, which had my car keys
>Run inside the school
>Teachers are trying to close the door and seal it shut so no more shit comes out..
>One teacher spots me
>I literally have a turd smashed into my shoulder and my body is soaking from other peoples urine
>My nose is smashed up and blood literally leaks onto the floor
>Ask teacher to open the door
>Teacher refuses
>I ask where the janitor is and why he isn't cleaning this up
>"Oh he went off duty 1 hour ago"
>TFW I pretty much did that for no reason
>TFW the school reviewed security tapes for the hall and forever has a video of me crying as I leave the bathroom covered in shit and blood
>TFW they recovered the backpack HOURS later and it was covered in feces
>TFW I came home covered in shit, blood, and leaking from urine.. With a backpack full of feces and destroyed possessions
>TFW I HAD to dig inside my feces covered backpack to get my keys
>TFW my dad was in the shower when I got home and I had to go to the hospital because of my nose first
>Go to hospital covered in shit, urine, and with a broken nose
>TFW My mom never even questioned it
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