07 September 2015

Walking home

>be me a hours ago (Night)
>getting high af with a friend 
>oh shit the bus is here
>friend has to go 
>have to walk home at night in a shady ass place 
>high and scared shitless 
>Call the same guy I was getting high with me 
>"dude fuck this shit, keep me company"
>"ok anon, you scared bitch"
>Walk and talk 
>get wrapped up talking to my friend. I forget where I am 
>"Dude what the fuck. I'm lost as dicks"
> Friend calms me down and reasures me that 
>We gon be alright 
>Kinda don't trust him (idk why)
>"Aight nigga where do I go ?
>"Just keep going straight"
>Alright FUCK 
>Keep going straight

>Friend describes the location I should be in 
>Find out where the fuck I am 
>still havent't realize where the I am 
>"ok now walk towards your right " my friend says 
>My mind goes ape shit once I realize where I am 
>"Oh shit I'm here" 
>"Yeah, you are dumb bitch"
>Me and my friend end up just chatting and shit 
>download Fun Run 2 just to chill and shit 
>oh fuck
>have to be home by 11:00
>fuck it 
>man up and start walking home 
>Realize that I can start playing Fun Run and talk with my friend 
>I haven't hung up 
>Get at the door 
>fuck my life 
>Ding Dong

>Sister opens door 
>act usual 
>In game of Fun Run still talking on the phone with my friend 
>walk in my room 
>Settle down for a while in my room
>Relax in sweet victory 
>Time Passes 
>Get a txt from my mother 
>"Are you home?"
>Alright well, get me the water from the kitchen
>txt my friend a farwell letter 
>freak out and decide to go ahead and give her the damn water 
>Give my mom the water 
>She's in her room on her bed 
>Lights are off 
>"Here you go."
>thanks. hey ,can you check out something on my phone
>reach for the phone to take a closer look 
>mom holds it in her hand as I try to examine the photo 
>Concentrarte on the picture
>Picture is of a sign with horrible spelling errors 
>"idk man, its just some random redneck sign"
>"read what it says. I can't make out what it says" mom says 
>I focus and move my head towards the phone
>Still can't figure out what the fuck it says 
>Finally, my mom figures out what it mean and says I could go 
>Go to my room happy af
>brain pangea 2.0

>Call my friend asap
>"dude, I think my mom just honey dicked the shit out me 
>(We use the term not in it's seductive context ) 
>Tell my friend of the horrible realization
>"wtf. how anon?"
>Tell my friend that I just remembered that I did something amazingly retarded
>"When I walked in. I was talkign to you right?
>Well, while I was talking. I mumbled
>"Dude, I'm so done with this game...like soooo done 
>"You're retarded anon"
>"I know" 
>I guess my sister must have txted her that I was baked af 
>"Anon your mom is a savage bitch"
>I know. The only reason she pulled off that shit is because all she does is watch shit like Law & Order
>mfw I'm going to die soon