>be me
>middle school fag
>Major beta, not many friends, bullied and shit
>Fat. Like, crispe-creme flavored water fat.
>One day, chilling by my self, reading a book or some shit
>Out of no where, this 7/10 come up to me
>"Hey anon, you wanna hang out with me and some of my friends after school?"
>"What?" Confusedasfuck.jpg
>"You wanna hang out? You're always by yourself, I thought you could need a friend."
>This bitch pitys me
>Fuck, only friend I'll make all year
>"Cool, I'll see you later Anon!"
Fast forward to after school, dropped off at their place.
>At 7/10's place.
>6 other fags must have been there
>See one of the fags is one of my bullies
>Hastily try to exit from the house while they're all joking with each other, hope to escape unnoticed
>7/10 sees me trying to escape
>"Oh, that's a great idea anon, lets go outside."
>We go outside, everyone goes back and forth between playing some stupid shit or sitting around and talking
>I'm hiding at the edge of the group, trying not to be noticed by bully
>Bully finally notices me
>Bully decides he wants to ruin my day
>"Let's go for a walk guys!"
>Everyone but me agrees.
>We walk for a while, and eventually come to the edge of 7/10's neighborhood
>Bully stops in front of this big green box thing, covered with drawings and shit
>Climbs on top of it
>"Come on guys, it's cool up here."
>That little shit knows i'm going to make a fuckery of my self trying to get on top of the box
>Everyone else is waiting for me to get on the box so we can chill or something
>decide to get a running start to try and leap on top of the box
>run porky run
>leap into the air
>instead of going arms first, i stuck my foot out like a flying kick
>my extreme weight barrels into the side of this big green box
>a loud bang is heard, and some kind of crunch
>flat on my ass, i look up
>suddenly i see a sign that was hidden under all the tags and paint and shit
>Warning: High Voltage Transformer or some shit like that
>the sign was on a door
>i kicked this door inwards
>inwards to the working of all this shit
>everyone has gotten off this thing
>i get up, and in fear, run the fuck home as fast as i could
>20 minutes of running, panting, and walking
>found out later that night i had cut out the power to 3/4 of that neighbor hood
>mfw my flying fat ko'd a powersystem
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