>Just finished my second semester in leisure and tourism management.
>My peers want to do a small party
>Triple k
>Get my swag on already an hour before
>At the party it's just girls
>Only like 6 guys
>And 30-40 grils
>Fucking schlick festival and I'm standing with the guys panting at what is in front of us
>I don't even like the fuckers but whatevs
>Two hours later we are all a little drunk
>So one girl goes
>"Bikini Contest!"
>And of course like 10 girls go "YAY!"
>Simple shit, guys are judges grils are models
>So we all get seats and the guys get cards with numbers on them.
>Someone puts on some shitty hip hop and the girls starts posing in front of us.
>Of course fat bitches in the back complaining about feminist bullshit and how this is degrading but no one gives a shit.
>The guys are nice and every girl gets 10's
>Then this tight gril walks on stage
>Fuckin Matt Foremen kind of gril
>Guys are all semi hard at this point
>Everyone pulls up a 10
>Logic in my brain goes: "Assholes get the girls"
>Pull up an 8
>Everyone looks at me.
>Fucking silence everywhere except for the music in the back.
>Guy at the end of the row screams "What?why?"
>Spaghetti starts moving
>Autism intensifies a little
>"What's wrong with her?"
>People are all staring at me.
>Autism has now reched maximum level
>With a smirk I go
>"She would be hotter with a dick."
>Fucking silence everywhere
>What the fuck did I just say?
>Everyone stares at me with partly worried, partly weirded out faces at what just came out of my mouth
>The gril walks off stage
>I look on the floor
>Spaghetti beside my feet
>No one here knew I was bi
>I left that place faster then sonic after blasting a load of cocaine
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