>Be me
>Going to elementary school
>Having some friends, life is good
>Teacher tells us to bring something and show it to the class
>I have just the perfect thing
>The next day, bring a toy to class and a VHS about it
>Show video to class
>They don't seem too atraccted to it
>Some even seem a little perturbed
>Show my little buddy to the class
>Dead silence
>Even the teacher seems a little bit perturbed
>Bell rings
>Go to recess
>Try to make people play with me and Lil' buddy
>They don't want to
>Some kid even starts to cry because of it
>This fat blonde teacher blames me for it and tells me to sit and shut up for 5 minutes as punishment
>Times passes
>See everyone having fun
>Seems like an eternety passes
>Don't say anything because that stupid fat cunt'll give me more five minutes
>Suddenly, teacher calls me over
>Tells me that the five minutes were over five minutes ago
>Asks why didn't I say something
>The exact moment I get up, the bell rings
>Something inside me has broke
>Friends notice, try to make me feel better
>They fail
>Go home
>Get mad
>Spend all night thinking about it
>Release my angry with the toy
>One of its arms fall off
>I panic
>Get in skateboard, go to the forest
>All off this in the middle the rain
>Dig a hole
>Bury the toy on it
>Scream my damn soul out
>After that, nothing seemed like the same to me.
>Get depressed
>Loss my friends
>Sell all my things
>Cut all my hair
>Get punished and after class constantly
>I still miss my lil' buddy
>Write "Little buddy" over and over in my sheets
>There's always some fat idiot kid behind me in detention
>One day, he tells me that I'm cool
>Tells that I was a faggot, and he didn't even reconize me now
>Put earbuds on, I don't give a shit about that at this point
>I can't take this pain anymore
>Dress up as my little buddy
>Tell an my old friend to play with me and my little buddy arm
>He doesn't want to
>Kids start to make a circle around us
>The fat blonde cunt's about to blow her whistle
>Stop her
>"You blow that whistle, and your making a BIG mistake!"
>Suddenly, fat idiot kid appears out of nowhere
>Pulls my pants off
>Start to make fun of me
>Punch him so hard he fall off
>I think I broke his nose
>Some other kid starts cheering me
>Punch him too
>Get lock in the maintenance room for some time
>I can hear people talking about me
>Someone says that I'm getting expel
>Other says that I'm getting a "special punishment"
>I don't even care at this point
>Fat cunt tells me to go to the principal office
>I'm still without any pants
>Get in
>The principal isn't there
>Instead, my teacher (not the fat cunt) is there
>She says she had notice that I've a rough time lately
>She says I've been getting in a lot of detentions
>Tells me that someone wants to see me
>I can't believe
>Tears start falling off my face
>It's him
>My lil' buddy
>She says that she know how upset I was about missing recess, tells me that it wasn't fair
>Tell her that it wasn't
>She tells me that I should get my time back
>Tells me that I can go out and play wiht my little buddy
>Hug her and run to the door
>She stops me
>Tells me not to forget what happen to the man that had everything he wanted
>I ask what happen
>"He lived happily ever after"
>Spend the rest of the day playing with my Lil'buddy, with the fat cunt yelling at me about how this isn't punishment
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