>be me 17 yo
>go to local con with a few buddies
>it's actually half decent this year
>early on spot qt3.14 grill with a bucket on her head
>she looks younger possibly 15-16
>start calling her bucket head grill
>I'm basically stalking BHG all around the con
>trynna figure out what she cosplaying as
>realize that can be a convo starter that leads to me getting her number
>I walk over but my faggot friend follows me
>excuse me... I just wanted to know what you were cosplaying as.
>she's so awkward but in a cute way
>can't hold my eye contact for more than 20 seconds at a time
>I'm smiling and feeling alpha-ier
>don't even listen to what she says just smile and nod
>realize its my turn to talk
>is that like an anime or something?
>tune out again
>she's cute af
>blonde blue eyed
>8/10 petite
>one of the greatest asses I've ever seen
>she's looking at me now, feeling more comfortable
>this is when I spring my suave moves
>it's my turn to talk again
>'ohh haha. Didn't know if you wanted to just wear a bucket on your head or something'
>wtf did I just say
>start thinking quick
>my spaghetti is falling to the floor
>I book it out of there
>she looks at me as I'm running away like I'm autistic
>stalk her for the rest of the con
>go to the 'play room' where everyone is playing smash
>see qt3.14 there
>start acting alpha again around my bros
>she's literally 2 feet away from me listening to what I'm saying
>I keep acting alpha but never make a move
>I'm checking out her every muscle out of the corner of my eye
>can't stop thinking about how cute this girl is
>play with magnets while watching people play smash
>leave without doing anything to girl
>go home
>regret not making a move for days on end
And that's my story
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