19 September 2015

trip for ice cream

>be junior year in high school
>wouldn't say i was a loner, wouldn't say i was popular. somewhere in between
>had a friend named george
>george hung out with the "cool kids"
>i was always lonering out, because george's friends didn't like me
>going home by myself one day, nothing abnormal
>george signals me to his car
>george and I off to get some ice cream
>we get there, get some good cream
>so creamy
>walk outside
>george's pile of dicks followed us all the way to the ice cream parlor
>"hey pussy, get out of our turf"
>their turf
>it's an ice cream parlor
>look over for george
>george is in his car, driving away
>kid walks up to me, his friends are backing me up
>he takes a swing at me
>the kid's already throwing punches
>i take a hit in the jaw
>he doesn't think i would swing back at him
>Solitude is independence.
>swing my arm up at his jaw
>kid hit's the side of the road, he can't get up.
>i run away from him
>the other kids are scared shitless, they're backing up
>i turn around
>signal to my muscles
>start my grand finale
>falling forward
>winding up hand in a circle
>hit him flat on the face
>five knuckle shuffle
>wave open palm around my face at his friend for added effect
>you can't see me
>my time is now
>mfw i'm john cena