>be me
>apathetic as holy fuck
>dated an arabian girl way back in the day because why the fuck not
>broke up years ago but still talk because im not a bitter nigger
>she talks about shit like ISIS and other sandnigger business
>jokingly make the remark to her that I want to join ISIS
>she doesnt respond and after a while I head to bed
> hear someone break the front door down and sprint toward my bedroom
>before I can react something punches me in the face and knocks me out
>wake up with this super grainy feeling on my neck
>realize my head is in a bag
>hear sandnigger talk as the bag is removed from my head
>my left eye is swollen shut
>guns are aimed at me as a man shouts in gibberish
>suddenly an idea pops into my head
>they think im a prisoner
>scream at the top of my lungs that I was waiting for them and that they shouldve come and gotten me sooner
>say that I was their informant and I was waiting for them to contact me
>frowns and assault rifles turn to smiles and jokes
>The untie me and dust me off and give me a brand new 7 year old wife and a new cellphone to contact them with
>they put me on first class back to the states with my new wife
>at a terminal in NYC and hand the phone to the young girl
>tell her "the first woman you see is your mommy"
>leave her in the fucking airport
>hitchike my way home
>get home after 6 days and masturbate for what feels like hours
>never heard from my ex again
>still think about the little girl every now and then
>mfw I realized I duped ISIS
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